Client spotlight: Freedom Life Church

June 5, 2023

Over 100 years ago in the small town of South Butler, NY a church family was born. The heart and foundation of that church are still alive and well today!

Now known as Freedom Life Church, their mission is to transform their local community by helping people “know God, live in freedom, and make a difference.” Following a rebrand in 2020, Freedom Life was in search of a solution to more effectively connect with their multigenerational community.

“Because we’re a family of multiple generations, it was important for us to have an on-ramp that was easy for people. A powerful thing about having technology is being able to reach people with the word of God.”—Michelle Loperfido, Senior Pastor

Managing multiple, disconnected systems limited the impact of their ministry and was an unnecessary hassle for their team.

“With our previous providers, one of the challenges we faced was not really having a way to effectively connect with people. We often hit the roadblock of the interface, the UX, the UI.”—Brian March, Technical Director

Soon Freedom Life made the switch from Church Community Builder (CCB) to Subsplash One. By going all in on the Subsplash Platform, they were able to easily migrate all of their data and be able to keep everything—giving, live streaming, church management, and more—all under the same powerful platform.

“I love that everything is just under one company right now—Subsplash. It's just been really, really great to just have everything under one umbrella.”—Danielle Johnson, Administrative Director

We loved visiting the team at Freedom Life Church and hearing their story. To find out more about Freedom Life, you can download their app or visit their website

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