Credit card processing for nonprofits: A guide for teams & leaders

Let’s say your organization just announced a new parenting workshop series and families are eager to sign up. But, when parents reach for their credit card to register and pay, they’re disappointed to see that you only accept cash and checks. This seemingly minor inconvenience has now become a barrier for people accustomed to making digital transactions in their daily lives.

This scenario is common for nonprofits relying on outdated payment systems and can often lead to missed opportunities. Whether for the purchase of event tickets or charitable donations, credit card processing for nonprofits is essential in today’s digital world.

In this guide, we’ll explore all you need to know about nonprofit credit card processing so you can make an informed decision for your organization.

What is credit card processing?

Making a credit card purchase is as easy as the swipe, tap, or insertion of a card—but behind the scenes, there’s a lot going on. Here’s a simple look at what happens with credit card payment processing for nonprofits:

  1. Initiation: Cardholder information is sent to the merchant’s payment processor, a service set up to manage credit card transactions.
  1. Authorization: The processor then verifies with the credit card company that the account has sufficient funds.
  1. Approval: If approved, the merchant can complete the transaction and provide the goods or services purchased.
  1. Settlement: Funds are held for a few days in a merchant account while everything is verified.
  1. Deposit: Once the funds are released, they’re deposited into the merchant’s main bank account, minus any interchange fees. 

Benefits of streamlined processing for nonprofits

Credit card processing benefits both your nonprofit organization and your supporters. It removes friction by making purchases quick and easy for those who prefer digital payments. When you can make a transaction smooth, and hassle-free, your donors will be more inclined to continue their support.

Credit card processing is also held to a high standard of security. Through encryption and compliance with industry standards, you can ensure donors that their sensitive financial information is safe. Providing a secure payment option builds trust, essential to maintaining and growing a supporter base.

Top uses for nonprofit credit card processing

Offering much more than convenience, nonprofit credit card processing is a strategic move. It broadens your fundraising capabilities and streamlines administrative efficiency, allowing your team to focus on more mission-critical tasks. 

Here are just a few ways credit card processing is used to drive nonprofit operations:

  • Charitable donations: Supporters can donate anywhere and at any time with a credit card transaction. Whether from a computer or mobile device, donations can be made with the click of a few buttons at the donor’s convenience.
  • Processing payments: Outside of donations, other payments can be collected for things like special programs, service fees, and membership dues. Having a credit card option available will allow you to handle these transactions seamlessly.
  • Event registration: A credit card option for conferences, fundraisers, and workshops helps to simplify signup. Eager participants can secure their spots and your administrative team will be freed up from handling manual registration and payments.
  • Selling merchandise: Whether selling online or at events, credit card processing allows for quick and easy merchandise transactions. Sales from books, apparel, and accessories can help increase funds to fuel your organization’s mission.

Choosing the right credit card processor for your nonprofit

If you’re ready to set up nonprofit credit card processing, you’ll need to choose between opening a merchant account or partnering with a payment service provider. Both have their own benefits and drawbacks, so let’s take a closer look at which would be best for you.

A special bank account called a merchant account, allows a nonprofit organization to process debit and credit card transactions. This is an intermediary account where funds are held before being settled and transferred over to a primary bank account.


  • Work directly with a merchant account provider
  • Potential for lower transaction fees
  • Flexibility with transaction rates and volume


  • Must pass through a vetting process
  • May incur additional monthly fees
  • Can be more susceptible to fraud

Acting as a go-between for a nonprofit and its supporters, a payment service provider processes credit card transactions through their own merchant account. The provider takes on more responsibility and facilitates the transfer of funds to the nonprofit’s bank account.


  • Quick & simple setup
  • Often a more user-friendly interface
  • Strict risk protocols for better security


  • Transaction fees can be higher
  • Less control over service
  • Limits on transaction size and volume

Key considerations for choosing a credit card processor

Now that you know the difference between a merchant account and a payment service provider, there are a few other things to keep in mind when making your decision. Depending on the needs of your nonprofit, some of the items below may be more important than others:

  • Pricing structure: Understand the types of fees, rates, chargebacks, and monthly costs you can expect with your service. Some companies offer fixed rates while others work with percentages. While there’s no free credit card processing for nonprofits, some payment solutions may have special deals and discounts for nonprofit organizations.
  • Unique features: Many processors go beyond credit card payments by offering additional features that can complement your nonprofit. For example, maybe you’d like a giving platform for online charitable donations and recurring support. This would allow you to set up payment forms within the organization’s app or website, making it easy to give online.
  • Customer support: Sometimes issues arise when dealing with technology, and it’s important to know that you’ll have support from a customer service team. Some providers even have proactive monitoring that addresses issues before they arise. Look for companies that offer 24/7 support and detailed resources or tutorials.
  • Integration capabilities: As new technologies emerge, we’re constantly adopting systems and programs that need to work well together. For the best experience, it’s essential that your new payment processor can integrate seamlessly with existing tools, websites, and apps. So, consider payment solutions that can sync up with what you already have.
  • Reputation and security: Perhaps one of the most important things to consider is how secure a payment processor is. Do they prioritize transparency? Do they have a good track record without security breaches? Partner with reputable companies that comply with industry standards and use the latest encryption technologies.

These are just a few of the most important elements to consider when deciding on credit card payment processing for nonprofits. Keep in mind that you should also think about smaller details such as transaction speeds, penalties, contract terms, and cancellation fees. 

To better understand your options, read plenty of customer reviews and testimonies. You’ll gain valuable insight from other businesses and nonprofits to reveal any potential issues with service reliability.

Additional considerations 

Most businesses are required to adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). If you plan on opening a merchant account, you’ll be responsible for ensuring that you comply with these standards. That means you must determine your required level of data protection and the necessary security measures to take. 

On the other hand, if you choose to use a payment service provider, they take on more of that responsibility. They must ensure that everything going on behind the scenes is in compliance. However, your nonprofit must still handle this sensitive data properly during the payment process.

Another thing to consider is how you plan to handle processing fees. While some nonprofits choose to cover this expense, many payment service providers give you the option of allowing donors to pay these fees. Depending on the provider, you can make this mandatory or let supporters choose whether or not they’d like to pay this small percentage.

Empowering your mission with nonprofit credit card processing

As digital options continue to expand, credit card payment processing for nonprofits has become an essential service. It removes barriers and makes it convenient for those supporters who prefer to swipe a card or pay online for their purchases and donations. Adopting a streamlined payment solution can increase your engagement, donations, sales, and overall user experience.

We hope this guide  equips you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision about the next steps for your nonprofit. It’s important to choose a credit card processor that fits your operational needs while maintaining the highest security standards.

Trusted by 17,000 churches and ministries of all sizes, Subsplash is designed to Fuel Your Mission™ and increase generosity among supporters. Your nonprofit can easily streamline transactions and unify payment processing into a single platform for a fully integrated experience. Whether through your organization’s mobile app or website, you can count on Subsplash for a safe, secure, and engaging experience.

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Ashley Powell, Guest author

Ashley is a writer and lover of all things handmade, living in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three children. Through research and collaboration with marketing teams, she creates informative and educational content such as reader-focused blogs, guides, and product reviews.

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